Relationships Are Your Key to Personal Growth

Relationships are an awesome interpersonal energy for your Soul to be ignited. Why do I say this when balance is attained through our inner self? Nothing is outside of our-self, so whatever relationships you currently entertain in your life, be it business, personal, family or community recognise they represents aspects of yourself you carry within. Now you may scoff at this, however mirrors do not lie.
I have said to myself on many occasions, how can this person etc represent aspects of me? When I took time to look within I found memories, which I took on from conditioned patterns, or alternatively, there were times when this represented genetic encodements.
There are many tools to deal with these in healing self, which you will be guided to, however one of the simple tools is to breathe rainbow light into an area of your body that you will be guided to and breathe it into the situation or person that may be causing you grief.
An age old awareness which will stand you in good stead when you first meet some-one or put into a new situation is to place your right hand on your heart and identify how the other person makes you feel. This is another simple guideline that stands you in good stead throughout your life. Repetition becomes habit; the more you do this the easier it is to remember to do this exercise.
One of the crucial elements to building Relationships is take people off pedestals. Know when you put another on that pedestal. The simple truth is you need to value your true self. Self-love is the beginning step to valuing you.
I love easy and simple, so whether you are a man or a woman, go purchase a Rose Quartz stone or piece of jewellery. The vibrations of this stone will begin a healing process that your body requires. Begin to fill your environment with what you wish, be it art, artifacts, furniture even books as a process of creating your inner dreams with your outer reality.
Listen behind the words of what another is saying is key to communication. Real communication is the vehicle of transmission that will reach behind the facades you may have built up with another. Learn to feel the energies another person is emitting to you. I will always remember training Karate and one of the exercises which were part of our training regime, was to place your right hand on the left arm of the other person.
It was truly amazing, how you could actually feel a movement in the other person's toes. This taught me so much as ultimately it allowed me to feel what was happening with the other person's body without touching. Real relationships are formed when we allow this form of communication as any facades soon tumble down. Trust and respect of each other is a natural reflection of the result.

The next state of elevation takes us to the Universal Law of Expansion. The sustaining growth of Relationships allows us to go beyond old paradigms that have kept us in bondage of limiting belief patterns, thereby expanding our conscious awareness of everything, which is happening around and indeed within us.
Business or your personal environment will take on a charm and ambience to allow others to support you in your dreams. Remember you are not alone, as co-operation will now be a force of energy through the relationships you build to see personal expansion for all concerned.

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